Sunday, January 19, 2014

Lena Lake Trail To "The Grotto"

Pam, Garry and I headed up the Lena Lake Trail Saturday with a goal of heading past the lower lake and through the Valley Of Silent Men to get some miles in. We ended up deciding on going to "The Grotto" which we learned of along the way.

The main trail to the lower lake was in great shape although you could see where there was recent work to clear blowdowns - presumably from last weekend's storm.

We made the overlook at the lower lake in a little over and hour and had a snack before continuing on. There was more evidence of recent blowdowns, but nothing that slowed us down. It was in the section past the campground that is past the bridge around the corner from the lower lake where we ran into some down hikers who had spent the night out by the grotto.

They didn't describe it at all, but we were heading that way anyway so we continued. A little further on we came upon another hiker whose destination was the grotto. He described it better and we decided that would be a definite stop along the way.

At just over 5 miles we came to another bridge and there it was. "The Grotto" is an area where a creek is forced to go through and over some boulders that are piled steeply in a narrow draw. It was pretty enough for pictures.

We had another snack and then headed back down. There were more people heading up to the lower lake as we cruised down. All in all we had a little under 4 hours of moving time and 10.16 miles and 2342 feet of elevation gain.

A nice lunch at El Puerto de Angeles IV in Hoodsport and we were fueled for the ride home.

Be very well and more soon.

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